To test your assumptions, it is critical to gather data at every level of the process through which people join the organization and then ascend-or stall-throughout their career trajectories. Without data, it is impossible to know which of these assumptions is accurate.

Or, you may assume that your company has a problem at the performance-review stage, such that performance reviews do not fully recognize the contributions of underrepresented groups. This understanding requires putting aside assumptions about what you think is causing those disparities and instead focusing on the data.įor example, if your company hires and promotes mostly white men, you might assume that your company has a pipeline problem, where you are simply not getting enough qualified applicants from underrepresented groups. The first step in creating a more equitable workplace is understanding where and how your company’s disparities begin to emerge.

If you are interested in creating a more level playing field for all employees, your organization can use data to understand how your practices and policies might be contributing to disparities, rely on research-based solutions to address these disparities, and test the effectiveness of these solutions to ensure that they are having the desired impact in your organization. These types of disparities in employees’ treatment and outcomes can emerge at different points: when people apply for jobs, whether they are interviewed and hired, how they are trained, what kinds of assignments they receive, whether and how they are mentored, and how their performance is evaluated. For example, the widely shared stereotype that women are more relational and family-oriented than men may lead to the often-misguided assumption that women are not committed to their jobs after they have children, which can result in them being offered fewer opportunities for advancement. Conscious or unconscious stereotypes-based on employees’ identities or social-group memberships-can lead to biased decisions, which can prevent organizations from hiring, developing, and promoting the best talent.